The islands always felt like a way to express the fun, light hearted sides of myself within the work. With larger heads the pieces have a playful energy, but still have intricate details of a portrait.
A series inspired by empowering human beings, and their words translated in multiple languages.
A fun way to add dimension to a simple piece of art. Each triangle is small & precisely placed within the design.
My gold series focused on athletics and empowerment. Especially the “Serena” piece, where empowering words were used to create her hair. In fact, each piece tells a story of the person pictured within their hair.
I’m an avid sports fan and an ex-athlete having played soccer in college and a bit afterwards. Within these pieces I was able to combine my favorite things in the world, sports and art. I really like I leave a small portion of myself within every piece……
The Chicago skyline is one of my favorite things about our city. I grew up learning about architecture and Chicago has some of the best in the world. I chose neon colors to help instill a little of the actual energy of the city.